
4 Tips To Decrease The Stress This Holiday Season

If you’re like any of the rest of us on this planet during the holiday season, you’ve got a lot to celebrate at this time of year. Finishing up Thanksgiving, diving into December, wrapping up with business and/or school, preparing and setting goals for the New Year, etc.

The decorations, cold weather, holiday parties/events, shopping, traveling, it seems like the list never ends… Yet, I am here to remind you that there is a much deeper meaning and reason for the season than what it may seem.

Although the stress may seem inevitable when you’re rushing around from place to place. I’ve been learning that, there are certain ways you can manage your time and thoughts, better to enjoy the season more and feel less overwhelmed.

1. Plan and Prepare

When it comes to the holiday season there are lots of activities to partake in and things to get done. By being aware of your schedule and taking the time to plan what you need to do, you’ll be relieving yourself from last-minute stressful situations. It’s never to early to wrap gifts, send out cards or book the flight.

Take the time you need to prepare shopping hours, cooking meals, inviting friends and getting a good night’s sleep. Waiting up all night, feeling scattered trying to find time to fit will just add on to your stress and make you feel more fatigued.

Another tip, I am still in the process of learning is how important it is to plan and prepare, your budget for the holiday season. Before you go shopping, have in mind the gifts you want to buy and how much money you have budgeted to spend. If you forget to do plan your shopping, you may end up overspending or even waiting in the line, just to find out you don’t have enough to cover the total price.

There are multiple ways to plan and prepare and this agenda right here is what works best for me. Avoid losing your mind this holiday season by writing down the details, planning times and staying committed to the schedule you set.

2. Don’t Expect Perfection

Many of us have an image in our head, that we create with an intention to make the holiday season as perfect as possible. My mind runs back to the Christmas movies. I watched and the stories I heard, that have produced a thought that this time of year should never have a problem.

Sure, you may have been invited to two parties at the same time, your Christmas cookies didn’t turn out right or you can’t afford the exact gift you want to give. There will never be a time, date, or holiday season that goes exactly how it was planned.

Its only human of us to crave excellence and aspire for perfection. Break this thought and realize that nothing will ever be flawless, there is always room for improvement and perfect just doesn’t exist. The sooner you accept this and come to terms with the fact, the better.

Instead of aspiring for perfection, focus on the things that you can control. Some things we have the decision to control are our thoughts, feelings, surroundings, actions, and behavior. Focus on the controllable and when the rest falls out of place, embrace change, find gratitude at the moment and go with the flow of it. It’s the only choice you do have.

3. Remember the “Reason for the Season”

As time seems to get quicker, allow yourself to slow down and remember the true reason for the season. Some of us have our own unique ways of celebrating and others follow traditions. A lot of us look to religion as a source, while some lean more towards making this about social time and spending time with our loved ones.

Define what it is that is most important to you during this time of year. Welcome and honor that reason. Something, I’ve been working on is focusing on the things, that are working for me instead of the things I don’t have. I have decided to not allow the unfair moments, broken Christmas lights and gossip from others totally affect my time, energy and thoughts.

I try my best, to not give my time of day to the things that go wrong because, I’ve now shifted my energy towards gratitude for the things that are going right. Instead of worrying about which party you’ll be able to make it to, find fortune in the fact that you have welcoming friends that invited you! Rather than complaining about having to go back to work, be grateful you have a consistent job, that helps you afford your funds and that you got to take a small (yet well deserved) break.

During this holiday season, I empower you all to find gratitude and celebrate the truth behind it all (it’s the best way to enjoy the journey) 😊

4. Take Care of Yourself

If you can’t physically and/or mentally show up for yourself, then how do you expect to show up for others?. If you don’t make yourself feel joy then how can you bring others joy?. There is nothing wrong with checking up on yourself often, in fact, I encourage it.

Take a breath. Pause. Ask yourself “How am I?”. “What do I need to do to feel the best I can feel?”. Whether that is going outside on a walk-in nature, dedicating a full day to self-care, or starting a new book. Do something so that you’re able to rewind, reflect and recharge your battery, so that you can feel great inside and be better able to care for others.

Don’t get caught up in the negative self-talk, drain those thoughts from your head and quit being your own worst critic.  This time of year is when you need the most cheering on. Support yourself, quit thinking of the worst “what if’s”, check-in daily and be your own biggest cheerleader.

My experiences have taught me that there will always be outside problems, but we need to focus on our own instead of getting caught up in others. Expectations will never be met, people will always talk poorly and obstacles will always get in the way.

Remember, you are not alone. It’s time, to break that common feeling of being overwhelmed and implement these tips into your life and make them habits. It’s your choice to make this season as less stressful as possible! Find gratitude and celebrate.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Which one of these tips do you find the most useful?. Which will you focus the most on?.

Happy Holidays to all of you. May it be the best one yet and many more cheerful holidays in the future!

Read about my experience trying Planning a Multi-Generational Family Holiday

Remember... no matter what challenges you face,
Take it 1 Day At A Time.

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Winter smilee

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